Friday, March 27, 2009

Learning through Hearing

Learning through Hearing

Did you know that many people learn in different ways? Some of us mainly take in life through our eyes—if I don’t see it I don’t know it. Some through touch, some instinct and some through hearing. Many of us learn through multiple learning styles.

If you learn best through hearing, then I suggest you work on scripture memory with your mp3 player (CDs? Tapes? 8 tracks? RECORDS?!?!?!).

You could record your own voice or someone you love…

You could purchase an mp3 download of just Philippians from somewhere like then click on “Philippians”

You could purchase MP3s of the whole New Testament from somewhere like

You could purchase CDs of the New Testament from a local store like “Sacred Books and Gifts” in Fairfield or “Kingdom Life” in Milford. Online book sellers have them as well.

This idea of learning from hearing is in the Bible too!

Romans 10:17 (NIV) Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.

I am so glad you are taking steps to hear the word of Christ. As you listen, engage your heart and your mind. New research for musicians memorizing music and actors learning lines suggest that memorizing begins with the learner actively participating in the learning experience. Don’t approach the material solely through rote skills, but seek to discover the rhythm and inner logic of the passage at hand. Ask yourself questions to uncover how your mind and heart will hold on to the details. Pray for the Holy Spirit to teach you the specific nuances that affect your life. Try to explain Paul’s point to someone else. Participate!

Don’t forget Active Listening…
· Focus your attention to some specific detail (verbs affecting me)
· Listen for that detail while the recording plays
· Respond to the discoveries that surface

How do you learn? What resources do you use from which others might benefit? Write us at the blog!

Next time: Seven things that Scripture Memory can do for you…

1 comment:

  1. My girls learn best by singing scripture verses~we have many tapes that we listen to in the car and I feel so peaceful hearing them singing God's word.It is so beautiful to hear children sing to our Lord. It brings me so much joy.

    I learn best by writing it out~something I did all through school when I was a young girl~it is the only way I can memorize anything and never forget it.

    So, I have a special notebook just for writing out scripture. I really look forward to this~it stops my mind from thinking 10 different things at once and forces my mind to focus on my Lord and Saviour~Jesus Christ~who brings me so much peace, security and courage~ especially when I am feeling afraid and just over tired from the day's events.

    God bless, Rose and girls
